
Let’s have a closer look at this example:

from trickshots import *

def scenario():
    set_vel('ball', var3(-10, 10))
    yield hit('ball', 'box1')
    yield hit('ball', 'box2')
    yield hit('ball', 'box3')


This short piece is enough for animating pitched boxes scene:

In the code we define a scenario function:

Someone else’s code is the best way to learn scenarios structure and logic, so please checkout the examples.

Scenario flow and execution

When you call solve(scenario) the solver will invoke the scenario. The latter should yield a task. Once the solver received it’s first task it starts physics simulation in Blender by advancing the time frame by frame. At each frame the solver checks if the given task is accomplished. When it is done the solver asks for the next task from the scenario, the simulation continues from the same frame. After the simulation has reached its last frame (Output properties -> Frame range -> End or bpy.context.scene.frame_end) the simulation is restarted and the scenario is reset as well to be called again from the beginning.


You can supply a callback function to the solver that will be called after each frame. It can modify the scene, print some debugging information or tell the solver if the simulation has diverged. This allows for an early exit from the simulation that can greatly speed up finding a solution for the scenario. Below is an example: if the callback returns True the solver will restart the simulation and try another set of inputs.

def escape():
    x, y, z = get_pos('Cube')
    return not ((-5 < x < 5) and (-10 < y < 10) and (-5 < z < 10))

solve(scenario, escape)

Combining tasks

If you need more complicated scenarios you can combine tasks.

Operator | (OR) combines two tasks in such a way that both are pursued but fulfilling only one of them is enough.

Operator & (AND) combines two tasks in such a way that both are pursued and they both must be True simultaneously at the same frame.

trigger(task) in combination with & define a task in which two events are required to happen in any order:

yield trigger(hit('cube1', 'target1')) & trigger(hit('cube2', 'target2'))

Let’s also have a look at the bottle flip:

bottle = bpy.context.scene.objects['bottle']

def btl_angle():
    return bottle.matrix_world.to_quaternion().angle

def scenario():
    set_avel(bottle, [0, -5, 0])  # pt. 1
    set_vel(bottle, var3([0,0,0], [10, 0, 10]))
    yield hit(bottle, 'target')  # pt. 2
    yield least_squares(btl_angle()) & delay(10)  # pt. 3
    yield least_squares(btl_angle()) & hit(bottle, 'trigger')  # pt. 4
    yield least_squares(btl_angle()) & (wait_deactivation(bottle) | delay(100))
    yield hit(bottle, 'trigger')  # pt. 6

def escape():
    x, y, z = get_pos(bottle)
    return not ((-5 < x < 5) and (-5 < y < 5) and (0.5 < z < 10))

solve(scenario, escape)

Note how the scenario is decomposed into a sequence of events:

  1. We want the bottle to make a flip so set it’s angular velocity.
  2. The bottle touches a target - a small box on the floor. It is needed to ensure where the first impact point of the bottle would be - right in the center of the floor.
  3. After the bottle has landed we’d like to ensure that it wouldn’t fall. Signal it’s orientation to the solver after 10 frames. The solver will try to keep btl_angle closer to zero (straight vertical).
  4. Check that the bottle hits the trigger - a flat shape above the floor. The bottle can touch it only if it stands vertically. Again, straight orientation of the bottle is prefered.
  5. Wait for the bottle’s deactivation, but no more than 100 frames (otherwise it could take too long). After that a straight orientation of the bottle is prefered once again.
  6. Ensure that the bottle still touches the trigger.

This is not the required sequence of checks for the bottle flip to happen, but the one that demonstrates combining multiple tasks.


delay(frames) Constructs a Task for the solver to wait for the specified number of frames during the scenario execution.

get_acc(obj) Returns the object’s acceleration vector as a numpy.Array of size 3, estimated from finite differences. obj is either str or Blender’s Object, e.g.['ball'].

get_avel(obj) Returns the object’s angular velocity vector as a numpy.Array of size 3, estimated from finite differences.

get_pos(obj) Returns the object’s position as a numpy.Array of size 3. It is a shorthand for obj.matrix_world.translation which is different from obj.location because the former is updated for each frame.

get_vel(obj) Returns the object’s velocity vector as a numpy.Array of size 3, estimated from finite differences.

hit(obj1, obj2) Constructs a Task for the solver to collide the two objects.

is_deactivated(obj) Returns boolean if the object is deactivated - stopped moving and rests in one place. This works independently from Blender’s deactivation option of a rigid body.

least_squares(expr) Constructs a Task for the solver to minimize sum of squares of the given expression, which might be a list or a single number. The task doesn’t force the solver to find an exact minimum and doesn’t block the scenario, but the solver will prefer solutions with a lower norm of the expression. This can be used to guide the solver to a specific solution. See a usage example above for solving a bottle flip.

set_avel(obj, vector) Sets the object’s angular velocity for the current frame. The vector is axis-angular in the global space.

set_pos(obj, vector) Sets the object’s position.

set_vel(obj, vector) Sets the object’s velocity for the current frame.

set_verbosity(level=1) Sets solver verbosity, which is from 0 (quiet) to 5 (the most verbose).

solve(scenario, callback=None, iters=1000, polish_iters=0, retries=10) Invoke the solver. The solver will make iters iterations and retry up to retries times in case it wouldn’t converge. After the solution is found it will run additional polish_iters iterations to find an even better solution. Note that in some cases Blender physics is not reliable enough and these additional iterations may disturb the solution and it won’t be reproduced anymore. In such cases don’t use polishing. Instead in the Properties panel go to Scene Properties tab -> Rigid Body World -> Cache -> Current Cache to Bake to freeze the found solution right after the solver finished it’s work. Returns a Solution object.

solver.ScenarioLoss An objects that holds a loss value for the scenario. It is designed in such a way that you can directly compare two losses with < to find which is better.
task_ix Index number of the last task yielded from the scenario, starting from 0 and counting to negative.
finished 0 or -1 (if the task was successfully finished).
loss Norm of the err_vec.
frame Current frame number.
hint A scalar value to guide the solver in case it stuck on a platoe.
err_vec An error vector, numpy.Array of concatenated errors returned by the current task.

solver.Solution An objects that holds a found solution.
x A numpy.Array of concatenated variables supplied to the scenario.
y A ScenarioLoss object for the given x.
iters Number of iterations used for solver to converge in the last trial.
retries Number of retries used for solver to converge.

solver.Task An object that holds the current task for the solver. State of the task is evaluated for the current frame with bool(). It can flip between True and False depending on the task’s terms. Multiple tasks can be combined with | and &.

trigger(task) Constructs a Task that becomes finished (evaluates to True) until the end of the simulation once the task has successed.

var(min=None, max=None) Defines a scalar variable and returns its value found by the solver. The solver will remember the point in the scenario where this exact call occurs and will search for values that solve the scenario.

var3(min=None, max=None) Defines a vector variable and returns its value. Arguments are parsed as:

No args: var3()                 -> ([0,0,0], [1,1,1])  
Radius:  var3(3)                -> ([0,0,0], [3,3,3])  
Range:   var3(1, 5)             -> ([1,1,1], [5,5,5])  
Radius:  var3([x,y,z])          -> ([-x,-y,-z], [x,y,z])  
Center:  var3([x,y,z], 1)       -> ([x-1, y-1, z-1], [x+1, y+1, z+1])  
Range:   var3([a,b,c], [d,e,f]) -> ([a,b,c], [d,e,f])

wait_deactivation(obj) Constructs a Task for the solver to wait until the object obj is deactivated.